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Dr Rossella Carrozza jest specjalistką okulistyki oraz pracuje w okulistycznej klinice referencyjnej.
Rossella graduated from the University of Parma (Italy) in 2007. She worked in general practice for seven years during which she matured her interest in ophthalmology and she achieved the French Ophthalmology Certificate in 2013. After completion of a rotating internship in Paris (France) and an ophthalmology Internship in Bologna (Italy) she moved to the UK. Following one year in a general practice hospital, she joined the Eye Veterinary Clinic team in Leominster in 2018 as an ophthalmology intern. Rossella completed the BSAVA Postgraduate Certificate in Small Animal Ophthalmology and she commenced the ECVO residency program under the supervision of Christine Heinrich.
Rossella Carrozza, BSAVA PgCertSAOpthal, MRCVS
- Organizator: TOP 5 eye emergenciesAW Szkolenia Weterynaryjne to mała, niezależna firma. Opieramy się na Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine. Nasi prelegenci to ludzie rzetelni z unikalną wiedzą i umiejętnościami.